Promoting Equity in Education through Film

FilmAid Kenya is producing three short films about access to quality education in Northern Kenya, an area that continues to exhibit extensively lower participation and completion rates, particularly for girls.  

The three films tackle the following:

  1. Chore Burden – A fictional short film about how girls attending school in Turkana and Dadaab are often unable to complete homework due to the burden of household chores, while boys are left to do their homework and take part in recreational activities.

  2. Economic value of educating girls – A short fictional film that explores the positive effects and economic return of investing in educating girls.

  3. Men and boy promoters of girl education – A short documentary film showcasing a number of testimonials by influential men who support girls’ education with the aim of challenging opinions which hamper access of education for girls.

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Following the completion of the films, these powerful stories will be shared with Kenyan and refugee communities through film-based workshops, mobile evening screenings and SMS outreach. The communications campaign will aim to creating spaces where new skills are acquired and dialogue where existing attitudes and practices around equity in education are questioned.

The films are being produced and distributed in partnership with the World University Service of Canada (WUSC-EUMC) and Windle International Kenya.

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